Sunday, November 23, 2014

For my expansion paper i am going to expand my essay but connecting Women's Women with my original essay Men's Men.  While reading Women's Women i see a lot of similarities as to how companies target Women and Men. But their is one particular form that women are being target that men does not.  the women is mostly being target by another women in any lost weigh or beauty type. personalty i do not see a lot of commercials that women target another women other than targeting them by a diet commercials, or beauty commercials. for my example i am going to be using a some what different type of women targeting women commercial. This commercial is a targeting commercial. In this commercial we see a women counting down the days for black Friday, she is training her self for this particular day. The form that she is training her self is by doing timing on how fast she can wrap a gift, as well as she is doing weight lifting with some shopping baskets from target.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

the mini-essay that i will be using for expansion is essay one. for essay one i used Men's Men focusing on a Heineken beer commercial. I choose this essay for expansion because i believe is one of the essays that i put more effort into it, and i believe i can say a few more things about the topic and how and why do i agree with what the writer ( Steve Graig) said about the topic that he proposed. The plan that i have to expand my paper is used another topic from Men's men and women's women (Men's women, Women's Women, or Women's men) and connect it to my original topic ( Men's men) and show how one is different from the other, as well as choosing a new commercial or anything in particular that describe this new topic and show the difference to the Heineken commercial.

1. Men's Men commertial.
2. Gender commercials.
3. Women's women
4. Men's women
5. Women's men